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- Live Session Coverage | CW Productions
Live Performance Videos Highlighted Video ft. Clover's Curfew Video Channel Name Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Video Channel Name Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title Reproducir video Reproducir video Video Title This part of the portfolio focuses on Live Session Coverage. Our Highlighted video is Clover's Curfew performing their song Nomad By Fate LIVE in the CWP Studio, the audio was mixed by House Engineer Emmy Marks. If you are interested in booking a session with us, please hit the button below. Book Now
- Serialized Content | CW Productions
Serialized Content Highlighted Series: Road To STATTfest This part of the portfolio focuses on Serialized Content. The Road to STATTfest was created and produced by Celia Werner Productions and was aimed at helping promote a Long Island Music festival. The show was hosted by Gabby Enrose, judged by Anthony Lopardo (Westfall Studios) and features several performers (and groups) including Offcolors, C Monty, contest winner LA Creus. If you are interested in booking a series with us, please hit the button below. Book Now
- Full Set Coverage | CW Productions
Full Set Coverage Highlighted Video ft. Enrose This part of the portfolio focuses on Full Set Coverage for Live Music Performers. Our Highlighted Video is Enrose LIVE at The Kingsland, BK. The video features Enrose performing to a sold out room in Brooklyn, NY. If you are interested in booking a session with us, please hit the button below. Book Now
- Video Production | Celia Werner Productions | East Patchogue
Story First. Book A Video Shoot About My name is Celia Werner I started this company to help people express the best side of their businesses: the human side. About Me Video Samples Say My Name - Long Island Rhythm Experience Celia Werner Reproducir video Compartir Canal completo Este video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copiar Enlace Enlace copiado Buscar video... Ahora en reproducción Say My Name - Long Island Rhythm Experience 03:19 Reproducir video Ahora en reproducción CWP Presents: Sewn Me Together - Matt Stoll 03:35 Reproducir video Ahora en reproducción M&M Sign and Awning Commercial 01:03 Reproducir video They're waiting for you. There's a big wide world out there full of people waiting to meet you, they just don't know it yet. By developing your image, you can find them and grow your business, brand, project or band. At Celia Werner Productions, we c an help. Book A Consultation 03 CONTACTO CONTACT ¡CONECTATE CONMIGO! Enviar ¡Éxito! Mensaje recibido. ESTAMOS CELIA WERNER PRODUCCIONES ¡TÚ LO QUIERES, NOSOTROS LO HACEMOS REALIDAD! QUIENES SOMOS CONTÁCTENOS
- Visual Storytelling | CW Productions
Are you looking to tell your story? Storytelling and Authenticity are the crux of every piece of content we produce. Celia has worked with thousands of businesses across all industries and she combines masterful storytelling, production craft and strategic insight to elevate your visibility and presence to it's highest potential. Send Us A Message Featured Works OUR SERVICES Music Videos See Our Samples Our Studio Productions See Our Samples Image Consulting Read More Corporate Video Production See Our Samples Photography Read More Say My Name - Long Island Rhythm Experience Celia Werner Reproducir video Compartir Canal completo Este video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copiar Enlace Enlace copiado Buscar video... Ahora en reproducción Say My Name - Long Island Rhythm Experience 03:19 Reproducir video Ahora en reproducción Music Festival Highlight 02:21 Reproducir video Ahora en reproducción Shanahan House Tour 02:14 Reproducir video
- What We're Up To | Celia Werner Productions
- Our Web Shows | CW Productions
Candid Convo con Celia Werner Candid Convo's con Celia Werner es nuestro programa de entrevistas y podcast live web de más de 60 episodios en los que invitamos a invitados de todas las industrias para que brinden su perspectiva y conocimiento. El programa está alojado en nuestra página de Facebook, Spotify Podcasts, Apple Podcasts y SoundCloud. En estudio los sábados In Studio Saturday Compartir Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copiar Enlace Enlace copiado ¡Este canal estará disponible próximamente! En Studio Saturdays es nuestro Show de YouTube donde hablamos de diferentes conceptos de fotografía y videografía. Por lo general, nuestros programas giran en torno a equipos de video y técnicas de filmación. El programa se transmite en IGTV, Facebook y YouTube todos los sábados.